Need a Quote? Try Our NEW AV Planning Tool!

AV Technology Planning Tool

Welcome to our AV Technology Planning Tool! The world of audio, video, smart home, and security technology offers so many remarkable options today for automating your environment, achieving concert-quality sound, theater-level viewing, or allowing you feel secure from wherever you are.

This questionnaire and planner will walk you through the options available, and allow us to gather some important information from you. Please take a few minutes to complete this simple questionnaire that will help you clarify your interests and communicate to us what you are looking for.

Many categories have multiple options, this is so we can give you both product choices, as well as more realistic cost estimates. Of course, we can discuss and adjust anything, but we have to start somewhere! By completing AV Technology Planning Tool, we’ll have enough insight for a meaningful conversation with you about how Downeast Audio Video can help. We thank you for your time and interest!

AV Technology Planning Tool